First 4 Kapowski Pages

Here’s the first 4 pages in the new layout. Some of the art needed to be redrawn but I’m liking these smaller pages much more. 

To share a bit more about the comic, the Kapowski Brothers are a couple of agents working for a secret agency called P.O.W.E.R. (More about them in a different story) The characters, style and tone are very inspired by Adam West’s 60’s Batman  TV show with a bit of B Movie monster madness sprinkled in. I’m hoping to do a bunch of short comics, each story following our hero’s saving their world from some crazy villain while also revealing a bit more of a longer story that runs through each comic. 

I’m planning to include a few pages of spoof comic book adverts (like the ones we used to have in old comics, selling things like x-ray glasses and fart powder) and possibly a few pages of P.O.W.E.R’s gadgets and gizmo’s (just because I think they’ll be fun to draw) 

Thanks for following along with the project and hope you enjoy. 


New comic project…