Jason Cawdell Jason Cawdell

First 4 Kapowski Pages

Here’s the first 4 pages in the new layout. Some of the art needed to be redrawn but I’m liking these smaller pages much more. 

To share a bit more about the comic, the Kapowski Brothers are a couple of agents working for a secret agency called P.O.W.E.R. (More about them in a different story) The characters, style and tone are very inspired by Adam West’s 60’s Batman  TV show with a bit of B Movie monster madness sprinkled in. I’m hoping to do a bunch of short comics, each story following our hero’s saving their world from some crazy villain while also revealing a bit more of a longer story that runs through each comic. 

I’m planning to include a few pages of spoof comic book adverts (like the ones we used to have in old comics, selling things like x-ray glasses and fart powder) and possibly a few pages of P.O.W.E.R’s gadgets and gizmo’s (just because I think they’ll be fun to draw) 

Thanks for following along with the project and hope you enjoy. 

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Jason Cawdell Jason Cawdell

New comic project…

After an awesome Christmas back in the UK, I’m in quarintine for 21 days before being released back into the wild in Hong Kong.

To help keep me sane as well as make the most of being stuck in a room, I’m working on a comic book project I started last year. 

I’ll be sharing my progress to help keep me motivated and accountable 😛

Hopefully by the end of quarintine I’ll have a finished comic. 

Here’s the fully inked and coloured first page and the sketch thumbnails of the rest of the comic, these were done before going into quarintine...

One of my Christmas parents this year was the hilarious and super cute Bunny Vs Monkey comic series by the amazing Jamie Smart (UK comic creator) as well as being all round awesome books, I’ve fallen in love with the smaller A5 format with fewer panels per page… so the next job is to rearrange these thumbnails to get them into this format. 

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Jason Cawdell Jason Cawdell

New Site

On the 25th March I turn 40.. eek. Rather than my impending midlife crisis taking the form of needing to buy a supercar or motorbike, I’m being taken over by an urge to get more of my illustrations out into the world.

So... here I am piggybacking on this renewed vigor, by building this website and bringing the projects on it to life.

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